Call Soon If You Have Dental Treatment You Want Before The End Of 2021!

Though it's only the end of September, if you have dental treatment you want to have done before the end of 2021, you'll need to call the office soon to make your appointment. This is especially true if you have a removable appliance or crown and bridge work that you want billed on your 2021 insurance benefits.

A removable partial to replace missing teeth involves a series of appointments--usually a minimum of 3-4 visits each scheduled a couple weeks apart. This means we need to start it at the beginning of November 2021 so you have it by the end of the year. A crown or fixed bridge (a series of crowns) takes about 3 weeks for the lab to make--so we'd need to start it by early December 2021 for you to have it by the end of the year.

Right now, we're booking non-emergency appointments at the beginning of November--so hopefully you can see why we're posting this now instead of waiting until closer to the end of the year.

The BEST way to make your appointment is to call the office at 440-960-1940. (We do have a way to request an appointment through our website, but if the time you request isn't available, then there is a lot of back and forth with us suggesting a different day or time and you having to confirm if what we selected works for you.)

Our office is located at 1320 Cooper Foster Park Rd. W, Lorain, OH 44053.